Saturday, October 26, 2013

DIY knife rack

The great thing about this is that you need minimal tools and material - basically what you can find anywhere around you and recycle.

- saw
- paint brush
- screwdriver

- 2 x wooden L profile slat (plank) 
- 2 x screws
- 2 x thin wooden "spacer" pieces
- some paint
- some wood glue

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Turn Frozen Tater Tots Into Homestyle Hash Browns with a Waffle Iron

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sliced baked potato

02.jpgBaked potatoes are amazing. This variation has vertical slices made before baking, making the top cook to a crunchy, thick-cut potato chip consistency, with a creamy baked potato centre. It's the best of both worlds!
This fun trick can be done on almost any tuber. I used white and Russet potatoes, and a sweet potato.

Preheat oven to 425°F

Using a sharp kitchen knife, carefully start making a series of vertical cuts width-wise through the potato, making sure not to cut all the way through - cuts should only be 3/4 of the way through the potato. 
Place sliced potatoes on an baking sheet slices up, then drizzle top with oil, salt and pepper.
Bake for 50 minutes. Time may vary depending on size of potato and oven.

After my potatoes were done I decided to add some shredded cheese, green onion and sausage bits. These tasty tubers are good as a side to any meal, or just on their own for a gameday snack! 
Add your favourite toppings and consume!

I'd love to see your variation on this. Share in the comments below!

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Save Surprising Kitchen Scraps To Grow Infinite Food

Save Surprising Kitchen Scraps To Grow Infinite Food

If you want to put homegrown fruits and vegetables on the table, you don't have to go out and buy seeds; you can generate all the food you want with old kitchen scraps.

We've covered how to grow onions from old onion bottoms, and entire heads of romaine from lettuce hearts, but Andy Whiteley at Wake Up World didn't want to stop there. His post shows you precisely how to regrow lemongrass, potatoes, garlic, and more from kitchen scraps that most of us throw away or compost. It even works with pineapples:

To re-grow pineapples, you need to remove the green leafy piece at the top and ensure that no fruit remains attached. Either hold the crown firmly by the leaves and twist the stalk out, or you can cut the top off the pineapple and remove the remaining fruit flesh with a knife (otherwise it will rot after planting and may kill your plant). Carefully slice small, horizontal sections from the bottom of the crown until you see root buds (the small circles on the flat base of the stalk). Remove the bottom few layers of leaves leaving about an inch base at the bottom of the stalk.

Plant your pineapple crown in a warm and well drained environment. Water your plant regularly at first, reducing to weekly watering once the plant is established. You will see growth in the first few months but it will take around 2-3 years before you are eating your own home-grown pineapples.

For more information and tips on what you can grow from discarded food, be sure to hit up the source link.

16 Foods That'll Regrow from Kitchen Scraps | Wake Up World via The Kitchn

Photo by Vitamin (Shutterstock).

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Red Bull Training Grounds Santa Monica - StarCraft II Tournament

Legit Event Reviews

Red Bull Training Grounds - StarCraft II TournamentRed Bull Training Grounds

On Friday in a secluded part of Santa Monica, California, eight of the world’s best eSports athletes gathered in the halls of Red Bull to participate in a sort of ‘Training Camp’ for StarCraft II players. As MLG Anaheim approaches, eSport gamers are trying to get in the most practice as they can.  This invitational is for some of StarCraft’s biggest names to not only get some practice in, but let fans see who has the momentum going into one of the year’s biggest tournaments.

We caught up to eSports star EG.DeMusliM at Red Bull Headquarters before the tournament started to find out his thoughts on the Red Bull Training Grounds and what he expected to get out of it.

For this weekend, Red Bull has put up about $8,000 in prize money and will has been streaming every second of every match – a huge step up from a few years ago when the first Red Bull Lan was in someone’s office playing Halo. The competitors then would play and then analyze each other’s gameplay.

Red Bull Training Grounds

eSports broadcast legend Sean “Day[9]” Plott, Mike “Husky” Lamond and Ben “MrBitter” Nichol will be doing play-by-play and color commentary as the action happens as well as interviewing each player to analyze their performance and up their game.

Red Bull Training Grounds

Last year, Red Bull created a more event-based with an event in Orlando, Florida where they played Halo: Reach and StarCraft II.  They also had an tournament in Austin, Texas called Red Bull: Battle Grounds with over $40,000 in prize money.

Red Bull Training Grounds

The eight StarCraft II players for this tournament have been broken into two groups and will play a sort-of Round Robin style.  Everyone will play everyone else with a small amount of cash

Red Bull Training Grounds

The Competitors:

Ryoo "SeleCT" Kyung HyunManuel “Grubby” SchenkhuizenBenjamin “DeMusliM” BakerJo “Golden” Myeong HwanBae “Sound” Sang HwanSamuel “Kane” MorrissetteBrandon “puck” QualDan “ViBE” Scherlong

This is a very international group with 3 from Europe, 2 from South Korean, 3 from North America.

One of the things that all the competitors will be working on this weekend is just getting their minds in the right place when it comes to the various equipment and hardware they will be using.  This weekend, NVIDIA is one of the main sponsors powering the Red Bull Training Grounds where all the machines used will be powered by a GeForce GTX Titan GPU.

Red Bull Training Grounds

Even though Red Bull may not be the first name you think of when it comes to eSports, they continue to increase their presence with tournaments and general sponsorships around the world. By now, everyone who has watch an StarCraft II eSports tournament is familiar with the “Red Bull Box” and broadcasting live will only increase people’s awareness of the brand’s.

This Red Bull Training Camp event is actually produced by Red Bull Media House which is a little bit different from Red Bull. Their job is to create content – media, film, music, etc.  Now that eSports are really taking off and livestreaming and broadcast is so important to the genre, Red Bull Media House has stepped into the forefront bring us amazing coverage of tournaments like this Training Grounds event.


If you want any more information, you can visit a brand new site for the eSports community worldwide and you can get more information on the Red Bull Training Grounds event.  As mentioned above, Red Bull will be broadcasting the event live here all weekend.

Be sure to check back to Legit Reviews for continuing coverage from Red Bull’s inaugural Training Grounds!

Questions or Comments? View this thread in our forums!

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FitNotes Tracks Your Workouts, Alerts You When You Hit Your Goals

FitNotes Tracks Your Workouts, Alerts You When You Hit Your Goals

Android: Exercise accessories like the Nike+ Fuelband and the FitBit are all the rage right now, but if you don't own one, you can still use your smartphone to keep track of your workouts. Though it might not have every feature under the sun, FitNotes is a fantastic and easy to use gym companion for your Android phone.

The premise of FitNotes is simple. You choose the exercise you just completed, enter the amount of weight you lifted or the distance you traveled, and save it to your exercise log. Over time, you'll build up a collection of daily exercise regimens to help you track where you've improved or regressed over time.

FitNotes includes a ton of different exercises and categories, but you can also add your own if you wish. You can view your recent activity by swiping from day to day on the main screen, but the calendar view provides the best overview of your workouts. From here, you can set up milestone alerts to let you know when you've hit a custom goal for each exercise, making it even easier to detect patterns in your routine.

The app isn't particularly feature-rich, but it's perfectly designed to quickly enter data between sessions at the gym, and it checks every box you would want in a pen-and-paper exercise log. Grab it for free on Google Play before you next hit the gym.

FitNotes (Free) | Google Play via Ghacks

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