Friday, November 8, 2013

Monogrammed Magnetic Makeup Marquee

IMG_2362.jpgThis project uses an old cookie sheet, spray paint, and vinyl to create a decorative surface for displaying cosmetics! I made this because my makeup was starting to take up valuable counter space in the bathroom, but it also adds a personalized touch to the walls.IMG_2330.jpgPictured are the used a cookie sheet I bought at the thrift store for $1, a mesh pen holder from Target, and purple spray paint. If you buy a used cookie sheet, make sure it's magnetic before you purchase it! If you buy a new cookie sheet, look for one that is stainless steel (or another magnetic substance) and not aluminum.

The cookie sheet will be used for the cosmetics and the mesh pen holder will be used to hold the brushes/mascara. Both will be mounted to the wall using sticky-tack or a similar product.

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Do You Use Social Video Sharing Sites Like Instagram or Vine?

Do You Use Social Video Sharing Sites Like Instagram or Vine?

Last week, Instagram introduced short video sharing features for its popular photo service, in direct answer to Twitter's own Vine service. Do you use any of them, though?

Despite YouTube being around for nearly a decade, new forms of sharing video have been popping up all over lately. Most of them are bite-sized and come with very simple editing tools. For example, Vine and Instagram both have the ability to only record as long as you're pressing the red button, which allows for very simple editing. Combined with specialized communities or tight integration with social services, they offer a compelling package.

Is it enough to make you use them, though? Do you prefer a service with a smaller reach if it has a better interface? Do Instagram and Vine have a different purpose than YouTube? Or do you just prefer to turn the camera off entirely anyway?

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Build a Crayon Rocket

To make a crayon rocket, you will need the following materials and tools.  Flight hardware for various configurations is described in Step 5.

Building materials:
- Jumbo crayon bank (Toys 'R' Us, $7.99)
- 38 mm tubing (Wildman Rocketry, $6.25)
- 1/8" plywood (, $11.19)
- Small strip of paper
- T nuts (optional)
- Screws (optional, same threading as T nuts)
- 2x 1/4-20 closed eye bolts (McMaster, $2.89/each)
- 20 ft climbing webbing (REI, $0.30-$0.36/ft)
- 2x 1010 rail buttons with well nuts (Doghouse Rocketry, $3.25/each)

- Exacto knife
- Dremel rotary tool
- Laser cutter or hand saw
- Wood glue
- Epoxy
- Calipers

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Balance Work and Life Better with the Right Support Strategy

Balance Work and Life Better with the Right Support Strategy

When creating a plan to balance work and life, we can easily forget that we don't live in a bubble. Inc. suggests coming up with a plan to lean on certain people to help keep up the work-life balance.

It seems like common sense, but we rely on other people every day. When you're figuring out how to balance your work life with your personal life, consider the people in your world that you can turn to for help with various tasks. As Inc. puts it:

"My intent has always been to be a mom, be present with children, and find balance, so for my husband and I it was a natural evolution. It has worked out—I'm a big believer in having family around. I have a huge support network, my husband is flexible, my mom is there, so I can travel and work because of my network. We're both doing what we love."

How we work will inevitably affect the people around us, so it makes sense to have a plan for how we will rely on people. Assuming your spouse, for example, will handle the housework is less ideal than discussing with your loved ones who will take on what roles.

5 Easy Tips for Better Work-Life Balance | Inc.

Photo by Greater Lansing Convention.

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How to Make Flavoured Paneer

In my house, adding cheese to any meal instantly makes it at least 75% better. Homemade cheese ups that by a good 50%. So, when I set out to make Indian-flavoured pizza, I knew that homemade paneer flavoured with spices was the first step. 

Paneer and other fresh cheeses are surprisingly easy to make, and take very little time. For this recipe, you will need:

- a large saucepan
- a wooden spoon, or other stiring implement
- a stove
- cheesecloth, or a lint-free towel
- a colander 
- a sink
- two large plates of equal size, with a lip preferred
- several cans of soup or other heavy weights
- a fridge
- a good sharp knife

- 8 cups of milk
- 1/4 cup of lemon juice
- spices of choice: I used garam masala, curry powder, and tumeric

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Changing the brake rotor on an 95 Volvo 850

Depending upon your tool set, you can do this one of two ways.

If using a hand tool. Use the 19mm socket and the right sized ratchet to break the bolts loose. Hey, you could even use the lug wrench the car came with.  We're not fancy here.

I have an impact wrench.

So if you're doing this by hand, break them loose, not too loose then we'll jack up the car. 

Ok, all the safety things here: The car's in park, the parking break is on, you have not only a jack but a jack stand once it's in the air. Cars are heavy, they can swash things if you're not careful. Be careful.

The jack point for the Volvo is where the subframe attaches to the body. You'll find it. It's a good sturdy place to use.

Jack up the car to get the wheel off the ground. Then go a little higher and get the jack stand under the car near the jack. Lower the jack till the car is resting on the stand. Then I go and jack up a little again till the jack is tight against the car again. It's a belt and suspenders kind of thing. I don't want it to fall.

I use my impact wrench now to spin off all five lugs from the wheel.  Then I slide the wheel under the car. Just one more way to keep me safe.

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