Saturday, July 27, 2013
Keeeb Organizes Web Clippings From Any Browser
Turn a Normal Pipette Dispenser to an Automatic Repeater
Refurbish an E-Piano: Fix and Polish Broken Keys
They all suggested polishing with car polish or something similar! So I went to a DIY store and finally bought a "repair set" for acrylic bath tubs. The set contained sand paper ranging from 400 to 1200. ( I am not sure if you have the same classification of sand paper in the US, for us 1200 is really super fine, it's pretty much the smallest grains you can get). Furthermore, the set contained a polishing paste and a polishing towel.
Additionally, I also bought a "sand towel" with 1500 graining which is the finest sanding available.
I also bought a fixture for a round plate and a lamb wool towel to put onto the fixture. The whole thing could then be attached to the drilling machine.
In addition, I also bought PTFE paste (teflon / silicone paste) to lubricate the moveing parts of the keys again after I removed them and put them back.
Apart from that, you need a drilling machine, screwdrivers, a loooot of time and a room where you can store all the removed keys and the rest of the piano pieces.
Upcycled Auto-Watering Garden Aliens
These aliens work just like watering globes such as aquaglobes, but they can be made from recycled green glass bottles!
They are perfect for smaller container plants such as herbs or flowers, and excellent indoors and out!
Did I mention they are easier to fill than normal garden globes? Yippee!
If you enjoy this instructable, please vote for it in the Gardening contest!
Here is What You Will Need:
Glass Sprite Bottle (other green glass bottles would work, but glass sprite bottles have the most alien-y shape and color)
Black Glass Paint (I used Martha Stewart Metallic Glass Paint in black nickel)
Small Tray for Paint
Sturdy Foam Brush
Contact Paper
X-Acto Knife or Silhouette cutter
Loaf pan
Tray to keep bottles from rolling around (I used an old silverware tray)
Build this Easy, DIY Desk Lamp from Recycled Blank or Burned CDs
Make Your Own Art Canvases

Wood of your choice, I used pine I had on hand. To be cut for stretchers.
A Nail gun or finish nails or screws.
White glue.
Some cotton sheet or linen material.
Chipboard, available at art stores or online.