A few years back there was news of a fancy had configurable keys with OLED Keyboard screens that were built into every key. These keyboards were designed by a Russian design studio called Art Lebedev and the keyboard called ' Optimus Maximus ' would have a big hit were it not for the ridiculous price tag of $ 2068.
However, now, Microsoft has filed for a patent that could offer similar functions for much less money. Of the company "interactive keyboard with a viewable display" was 2 years ago as a patent filed in September. The patent was subsequently published this year on the 22nd March. The patent came along with a second supporting patent that the option of "several other important schemes would offer".
The difference between this future device and the ' Optimus Maximus ' is that the Microsoft version uses only one screen which will be under the partially transparent keyboard. However, this poses another problem in the viewing angle of the keys because they will be filed under the mechanical buttons, we can only assume that in order to have a clear view of what are you pressing button, you would have to look at it directly from the top. On the contrary, if Microsoft already have a solution to this problem, maybe we should be just what this amazing device tide us over until latency problems for haptic touch screen keyboards are resolved.
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