Thursday, September 5, 2013

MySupermarket Compares Grocery Prices Across Amazon, Walmart, and More

MySupermarket Compares Grocery Prices Across Amazon, Walmart, and More

Buying something at one store only to find it cheaper somewhere else is the worst. mySupermarket aims to change that by doing the comparison shopping for you.

The site just launched in the United States today and has been available in the UK for a while. The new US version of the site compares prices for online goods at Wal-Mart, Target, Amazon, Costco, Walgreens, and several other sites. The products are shown with their best available current price across all the storefronts. The site even goes the extra mile by showing how you can save on the products you choose by purchasing something similar, and putting a bunch of coupon options right in front of you. One of the bigger downsides, though, is that not all brands are represented. For example, finding Coca-Cola on mySupermarket seems to be a no-go.

Since it's searching the various sites' online offerings, you can place your order immediately. However, be careful of the shipping costs, which can add up if your items are coming from multiple sites. Also, the Swap option may get you a cheaper per-unit price, but it will offer you bulk deals so pay attention to what you're swapping out.

mySupermarket | via TechCrunch

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Gizmodo Our WWDC 2013 Liveblog Kicks Off Right Now | Kotaku Watch Microsoft's E3 2013 Press Conferen

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Healthy Chocolate Pudding

Everyone loves chocolate pudding, but not everyone loves the nutritional content. Most store-bought puddings have at least 300 calories per cup, with the majority of those calories coming from sugar and fat. In addition, nearly all puddings have no more than 2 or 3 grams of protein.

This pudding is delicious, fast, and healthy, and only has 2 ingredients!

-  1 cup Fat Free Greek Yogurt
-  1 Scoop Chocolate Protein Powder

optional add ins:
-  Sweetener (Stevia)
-  Bananas 
-  Nuts 
-  Chocolate Chips
-  Coconut Flakes 

Scoop 1 cup of greek yogurt into a large cereal bowl. Add 1 scoop of protein powder and stir with a spoon until the powder is fully incorporated.
Add bananas, nuts, peanut butter, or any other topping if you want.

Nutrition Facts:
Serving Size: 1 Cup
Calories:       220

Fat:                  1g
Carbs:          12g
Sugar:      10g
Protein:        47g

47 grams of protein! (most of your recommended daily intake)

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Microsoft announced a ton of new Xbox improvements at E3 today, including a new Xbox 360 model, fre

Microsoft announced a ton of new Xbox improvements at E3 today, including a new Xbox 360 model, free games for Xbox Live Gold subscribers, and real money transactions instead of Microsoft points. Head over to Kotaku to read more.

What Do You Think of iOS 7's New Interface?

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Cure Your Disappointment with Frequent Activity

Cure Your Disappointment with Frequent Activity

“One of the finest protections against disappointment is to have a lot going on.” - Alain de Botton

Life doesn't feed us a steady stream of fun and joy—we have to create that for ourselves. While certain little things can cure disappointment, you create more opportunities for happiness when you simply do more. That requires staying open to possibilities, too. After all, that kind of openness is what we consider good luck.

Disappointment | Swissmiss

Photo by Brian A. Jackson (Shutterstock).

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