Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Newsvibe Is a Simple, No-Nonsense Web-Based Feed Reader

Skype has added a new video messaging feature to its suite of apps.
Traffic Light Cufflinks
So I decided to build some real Traffic Light cufflinks. I would not be able to design, prototype and build this in previous years - without a BIG development budget . However with 3D printing available in metal - it is not possible for a hobby development like myself.
All the hardware and associated software is open sourced.
The cufflinks - do:-
- Normal UK Sequence. (Red, Red-Amber, Green, Amber, Red)
- Normal Pelican Sequence. (Red, Flashing Amber, Green, Amber, Red)
- Report the time (Series of encoded flashes)
- Report the date (Series of encoded flashes)
- Current Temperature in Celsius (..flashes)
- Stored number of up to 20 digits. (..flashes)
The case act as a touch sensor. Every four seconds the ATtiny wakes up to see if the case is being touched. This ensures that the coin cell isn’t drained by constantly driving the LEDs. Then displays one of the above based upon the number of touches.
Laser Cut MultiWii based quadcopter
Why Consistency Matters with Exercise

The fact is that you don't want to miss more than a couple days in a row if you can help it. Motivation alone is tough to get back after that, but the health effects are just as important. It's a good thing working an exercise routine into your schedule isn't too hard. Ask Well: How Often to Exercise | The New York TimesPhoto by Vince Viloria.Endurance also fades if you skip exercising for too many days in a row. The same is true, sadly, with motivation. In study after study, researchers have found that one of the primary reasons people continue exercising is that they enjoyed yesterday’s exercise or the exertions of the day before; they felt healthier and more physically masterful afterward and wish to relive that sensation. Longer periods between exercise sessions potentially could dull that enthusiasm.
Similarly, there is some evidence that injury rates can rise after a multiday layoff, especially in activities requiring well-honed technique. A 2011 study of circus performers found that two-day breaks between performances lessened injury rates, but the rates rose again if performers rested for three days or more.