Tuesday, June 18, 2013

How to Make a Dragon Eye Pendant

Hello, everyone! 

  This Instructable is a step-by-step tutorial on how to make a dragon eye pendant.  It will show you how to create the cabochon, which will be the eyeball itself, how to sculpt the area around the eye, how to form the wire loop that the pendant will hang on, how to paint it, and how to finish and protect it.

  These pendants can have a variety of different looks, making them good for giving as a personalized gift.  You can also personalize them to fit your own personality and tastes.

  This pendant is great for dragon fans or fantasy fans!  Fans of Skyrim, the Inheritance Cycle, Game of Thrones, or any other dragon-filled tales will be most appreciative.  Fantasy nerds UNITE!  :D

  It is also a very unique piece of jewelry and art.  The best part is, you don't have to be a good artist to create it.  No experience necessary!  Even if you're no Picasso, you can create a lovely work of art!   ;)

Have fun and let your inner nerd shine through!  ; - )

heavy gauge wire
Air drying clay (I used Jovi brand)
1 large round glass stone
2 Popsicle sticks
Printer ink
Printer Paper
Internet access
Photo editing software
Paint (1 base color and black)
Ice Resin
Thin glue (Mod Podge, watered down Tacky Glue, watered down Elmer's Glue)
Paintbrushes (1 large, 1 small)
Glass of water
Needle-nose pliers

2 Cotton swabs

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How to Prepare a Motorcycle for Winter Storage

2013-03-09 14.29.40.jpgProperly preparing your motorcycle for winter storage can save time, headaches, and money when nice weather rolls around. Since each motorcycle has different designs and specifications, these instructions are designed to provide an overview of the process -- refer to your motorcycle's owner's manual and repair manual for additional information.

For this set of instructions, I'll be showing you how I prepare my 1997 Honda Magna VF750C2 for a few months inside the garage. 

Required equipment: A bucket Car washing soap A sponge A hose and running water Motorcycle oil Oil filter Oil funnel Oil pan Gasoline container with enough gasoline to fill your tank Gasoline stabilizer (e.g. Sta-Bil) Screwdrivers and socket wrench set Plastic bags and rubber bands OR motorcycle exhaust plugs (recommended) Battery trickle charger Motorcycle cover (recommended) Your motorcycle's owners manual AND a repair manual 2013-03-09 14.37.20.jpgAfter your last ride of the season, change the oil in your bike. That way, when spring rolls around, you know in advance your bike is ready to ride.

Each motorcycle is different, so be sure to consult with your owner's manual and repair manual for the specifics (particularly the type of oil, size of the oil filter, amount of oil, etc.) for your particular model.

Needed for this step: Oil filter Motor oil Socket wrench Oil pan Oil funnel Owner's manual and repair manual Instructions:
Typically, each oil change will require these basic steps:
Remove the oil drain plug using a socket wrench, and allow the oil to completely drain from the engine into the oil pan. Unscrew the old oil filter from the engine. Take your finger and dip it in the old oil, then rub some oil around the O-ring on the new oil filter. (Doing this will help it seal properly against the engine.) Screw the new oil filter on, tightening as much as you can with your hand. Replace the oil drain plug, tightening it with the socket wrench. Remove the oil cap (see owner's manual for the specific location on your bike) and, using the oil funnel, pour the proper amount of oil into the engine. Put the oil cap back on, tightening it with your hand.  Note: A friend of mine highly recommends cleaning the carburetors as well, so they don't get gunky over the course of the winter. If you plan on storing your bike for more than 3 months, this idea makes a lot of sense.

For additional information about cleaning your carburetors, visit thickneckarts' Instructable. If you don't plan on storing your bike for more than three months, take a look at the note at the end of this Instructable.

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Campbell's Soup Stool

After 5 days of working, I am finally proud to show you my Campbell's Soup Stool!

The 60s are one of my favorite decades even if I wasn't born yet...and one of the many things that come to my mind whenever I think of the 60s is Andy Warhol and his paintings!
His Campbell's Soup Can painting is so famous that I am sure that all of you know it, even if you are not an art lover.

I thought it would have been fun to make a big version of this can and turn it into a stool! And why not, even a useful container!

Plus red lucid leather reminds me very much of the 50s/60s style so this is definitely one of my favorite things between all the ones I have ever done!

I admit it took some time...but making it with so much fun!!! :)

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Little Owls

DSCN2937.JPGThree little owls in my gardn. A very simple, just few steps of owl-making. Print out the attachment and photocopy it to the size you want. They look adorable. 1.JPGPrint the pattern to the size  you want or photocopy.

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Morse code generator for the 16x24 HT1632C LED Matrix- I made it at TechShop

Sorry, I could not read the content fromt this page.

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hat side camera holder

_MG_0566.jpgI've bought this veeery cheap camera made in china, and obviously it lacks an angular holder for my hat... 
Luckily I'm a real genius, and after a long research and a lot of examinations, diagrams, computer simulations and testing I've came to the design of this high technological piece of engineering! With that gear I'm able to make my camera looking forward!! That's extraordinary!
... all right, I'm kidding, but because I'm not able to abandon a project halfway through, I'll go on ;-)_MG_0538.jpgAbout the camera I can't say here that it's a pitiful piece of technology, so please ask me in pm... whoops!! Anyway I never expected GoPro abilities for 1/30 of its price...
Oddly as you can see I've two holders for the camera, but neither of the two can be mounted on the cap in the right direction. Except screwing the base of the bigger one on the cap peak... but I don't want it permanent.

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