Saturday, November 23, 2013
Read Your Exported Google Reader Items With This Webapp

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Work a Non-Standard Schedule to Avoid Consumer Traps and Laziness

Businesses create services to help us do the things we can't find the time or desire to do on our own because we're almost or actually burnt out. Entertainment takes place on the weekend because most people have the time to indulge then. When we have time off, we're supposed to fill it with entertainment because that requires only as much time as we have and costs something. Physical activity, relaxing, and other free activities often have a higher time cost, plus we're tired, and so we opt for what is advertised to us. It's just easier.A non-standard work schedule, however, helps to solve this problem. If your "weekend" falls during the week—at least partially—you get to spend your free time when advertisers don't expect it. You end up with less direction in your day. That said, you still suffer from limits. That's why it's so important to set time boundaries at work—so you don't burn yourself out. You can also ask your boss to let you work four days instead of five. If you can get just as much done and keep your quality of work equally high, you don't need to work for 40 hours. Instead, you can use that time to stay healthier, happier, and start to avoid sinking into the standard workplace trap. It isn't a perfect solution, but it's a start.Your Lifestyle Has Already Been Designed | Thought CatalogPhoto by Andrey Arkusha (Shutterstock).The ultimate tool for corporations to sustain a culture of this sort is to develop the 40-hour workweek as the normal lifestyle. Under these working conditions people have to build a life in the evenings and on weekends. This arrangement makes us naturally more inclined to spend heavily on entertainment and conveniences because our free time is so scarce.

Alcohol Inked Tile Coasters

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Classy Screen Door Repair
(Thank you, much appreciated.)
Age-old story: Our back door screen ripped out thanks to the ever-gentle touch of kids and pets.
I was just going to replace the screen, but as it turns they didn't have the typical groove and spline but rather the screen was pinched against the door with a metal inner frame. IMO, this is a stupid way to design the thing since the only thing really holding the screen fabric is a few screws. One little push and *rip*. Game over.
So, no doubt the best solution to this would have been to go down to Home Despot, buy a screen door kit for $25 bux, and slap it in.
But where's the fun in that?
I decided to follow my current cedar fetish and make a victorian-esque screen door. Not only will it help class the place up a bit, but it will also hold the screen with a proper spline and also it will have wooden supports in the lower half to keep little hands and paws from pushing directly against said screen.
Craftsman Style Sliding Doors