It's Friday. That means it's time to share what you know, ask what you don't, and generally partake in some conversation. Right here, right now!Same drill as always but with a new twist, open-threaders! Ask questions, offer advice, discuss productivity tips, or just chat about whatever's on your mind.We're coming to you from Hackerspace, the commenter-run playground for Lifehackers. Drop by Hackerspace any time you want to share your tips, how-tos, or just talk it out with your fellow readers.A side note about Hackerspace:We want more tips/tricks/questions/comments here! You guys are an amazing community and so you have have your voice heard. Want to be an author here on Hackerspace? Our author request page is currently out of commission, so just ask in a comment below and we'll try to get you setup. Are you already are an author and don't know what you're doing, see this page. You'll know you're an author if you have:1. This button at the top right of the screen:2. If you're an author, you'll have the option to select "Publish on Hackerspace" at the bottom of the compose window. If you only see "Your Personal Blog" as an option, then get on the comments and request to be an author!If you're not an author, for the meantime, you can write a post on your kinja blog and we can reshare it on Hackerspace (just let us know where to look). The other commenter mods and I will be looking for commenters wanting to be new authors.Also, why don't you subscribe to our RSS feed?
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