Monday, October 7, 2013


2scans.jpg123D-4P is a process and materials exploration of the 123D Catch app. The "4P" in 123D-4P stands for photography, ponder, process and prototyping. This Instructable is not quite a set of instructions, but more a documentation of my experiment. I plan on catching many items with hopes of generating some funky objects.

Catch is revolutionary because it allows for people to easily generate 3D models of objects that would be difficult to build in conventional modeling software. Food, for instance, can be caught, modeled and output.123D Catch is not just a modeling tool, but it is also graphics tool. It has its own aesthetic: a smoothing of textures, distortion, and cool color-cast. Since 123D catch allows for the user to upload around 20-50 images of their object, there is a lot of room for discrepancy in form. Maybe its the lighting situation, the shadows or the backdrop that obscures the form? The 123D-4P experiment is a celebration of the weird imagery that Catch creates. I know that the software was designed to work seamlessly with digital images, but I'm going to make it harder for myself and use alternative methods of photography. I will make scans, renderings, pin-hole shots, flash photography with disposable cameras, images of shadows, and other techniques to experiment with 123D Catch. 

*Animated Gifs were excessively used in the making of this presentation. 

ScanArm.jpgFirst, I tried scanning. It was difficult using the computer while my hand was in the flat-bed! I did approximately 40 scans, hoping it would be sufficient for a solid Catch.

View the original article here

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