Thursday, October 10, 2013

How Can I Use an iPad Mini Productively in Class?

Tablets are wonderfully portable and fun to use. They provide an engaging way to consume and share content and, depending on your situation, create that content as well. Sometimes, though, tablets may not be the productivity tool potential users image.

Productively Unproductive writes:

I am a student who recently received an iPad mini as a gift. Admittedly I was very excited by the prospect of what I could do with the device, from taking notes in class to things that my phone couldn't handle... fast forward 2 months and the only things I find myself using it for is occasionally doodling in notability or reading. Its cluttered with games and apps that frankly work better on my phone. With all of these new "productivity" apps coming out like Boxer as well as Vesper and Tempo that are bound to my phone are there still ways to be productive on an iPad?

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View the original article here

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