Thursday, November 21, 2013

Repurposing an old computer

Someone once asked me what they could do with an old computer, and my reply was, "Anything you want!"

We all have them -- they're in the back of the closet, or in the dusty attic or basement, or sitting out in the garage.  Some may or may not work, and may or may not be worth fixing.  And some are just too old and slow to be turned into a media center or put to any other task, and are so obsolete they're not even worth donating.  Certainly if a computer is worth fixing, I highly recommend it.  After all, the computer I'm using to upload this instructable is around 10 years old -- or at least it's motherboard and processor are that old.  Or, if an old computer can be turned into a Linux machine -- and if that's your thing -- go for it!

The computers I'm thinking of are those that just need to be sent to the junk pile.  But before you send them out to be recycled, I want to point out a few things you can make out of them that you might find to be a fun project.

If this interests you, read on....

View the original article here

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