Tuesday, June 25, 2013

How-To-Sew Cute Plushie Animals

Nash and the teddy bear 003.JPG                   Plushie animals are a great beginner crafter for you to learn to sew with. They don't require a lot of material, time, or effort to learn. And the result is a wonderful keepsake. We made these this past week for Animazement, you can see one of the classes of 20 below. Thanks everyone who came out!

                   To get started on your own plushie animal, you will need the following:

Pen or Washable Marker
Optional: Buttons or Other Trim

Clark 653.JPG          Find or make your pattern for the plushie you want. There's some great websites that have hundreds of free patterns you can print off your computer.

          I love Deviant Art, Sewing Support,  All Crafts, or your local sewing or fabric store. This is a classic 1950s Teddy Bear Pattern that I adapted for asian style clothing. Since I was doing this for a party, I copied all the pattern pieces onto hard manila paper to stand-up to more abuse/greater accuracy. Also, if your pattern has notes for "on the fold" redo your pattern laying flat to prevent distortion. It's not good to use on the fold on small pattern pieces since this can be up to 1/4-1/2" variations which will kill the cuteness factor on small plushie animals to take them from something cute to something out of Tim Burton movie.

View the original article here

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