Tuesday, July 2, 2013

How Do I Deal With a Coworker's Horrible Manners?

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Totally Groovy Tie Dyed T-Shirts

13, 12:50 PM.jpgNothing says retro like a tie dyed t-shirt, and they are super fun to make. You can do them individually, as a class activity, or for a fun sleep-over activity. There are so many options with color and patterns. We used 3 easy styles, which we'll demonstrate. We also tried both wet shirts and dry shirts. You'll see the difference in the amount of color on each. If you want more white to show, use a dry shirt. If you want more color, wet the shirt up with a spray bottle first. Both look super groovy. It's just a matter of taste. Go nuts and have fun. Can you dig it?13, 12:50 PM.jpgSimple enough. Get a tie die kit, some t-shirts (pre washed), a cheap plastic table cover, and maybe some rockin tunes to bring you back to the days of bellbottoms and peace signs. Have some plastic bags handy too, to store them in when you're done dyeing. The plastic grocery bags are just fine. We used gallon sized storage bags, so everyone could write their name on the one their shirt was in. *Your kit should have bottles, color packets, rubber bands, and gloves.

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Chicken Karaage

01main.jpgFried chicken is one of my favorite foods! This is my recipe for homemade chicken karaage.  There is some prep work involved, but it will be worth all the hard work once you taste it. 
02ingredients.jpgHere are the ingredients you'll need:
1 tsp. sesame oil  (1)
1 Tbsp. dark soy sauce (you can substitute regular soy sauce)  (2)
2 Tbsp. regular soy sauce  (3)
1.5 lbs. chicken thighs (I like them with the skin on, but you can use skinless ones if you'd prefer)  (4)
1 Tbsp. cornstarch  (5)
8-10 Tbsp. all-purpose flour  (6)
1/4 tsp. white pepper (or black pepper)  (7)
1 inch piece of ginger  (8)
3 medium cloves of garlic, minced  (9)

Garnish (optional):
Shredded cabbage  (10)
Sesame seeds  (11)

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Ironman Arc Reactor v2 - laser cut

DSC_6855.JPGEarlier this year i made something like this below with bunches of foam strips , small plastic food container and some random pieces i had around in my room.  Anyway, before the Ironman3 releases, I decided to make a new and smaller one version that only 15mm thick. using the  main picture as a reference. Im not that good tho  T_T and i lost all of my tools while i was out of the country. So i opt for laser cutting. FSBPAU0G8LWKEM4.LARGE.jpgAs usual, to start any project, you will need lots of reference and vector for bluprint. It will act as a guide to build your project. In this case, im using this picture . I got this from a search at google. I believe its from one of the Instructable here . Anyway, use that image to vector the lines. In my case, i made it separate 2 pieces for depth. i guess .. haha 

I used Illustrator for mine but theres a free software called InkScape which is good also for vectoring .

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The Steampunk "Wildbad 7"

Dear Steampunkers, dear Followers and DIY Fans out there

Today I would like to share a new Steampunk project with you. May I can give you some inspiration to build your own unique music machine.
The "Wildbad 7" is based on an old tube radio from SABA made in 1957 which was completely destroyed by a water accident. I got it for free and I loved the great design with the vacuum tubes. 

So the idea to build a Steampunk "Wildbad 7" was born!

The following steps may give you some ideas how you could build your own device. May you don't have the same parts, but be creative. There is always a way to create something unique!

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How To Budget When You Don't Have a Regular Paycheck

Successful budgeting tends to depend on two things: careful planning and a steady income. The first, anyone can do. The second isn’t so simple. If you’re self-employed or a freelancer, you might be asking yourself: "But I don’t have a regular paycheck coming in. Can I even set up a budget? Should I bother?" You can. And, yes, you should.

A budget is simply a way of figuring out how much money you need to go about your daily life, and arranging things so that you don’t exceed that number. No matter your situation, budgeting is a critical part of making sure your finances are sustainable.

Budgeting is especially important if your income is irregular: if you’re a freelancer, a temp worker, a consultant, an artist, a permanent employee with fluctuating hours, or a commissioned salesperson. Or if you do seasonal work, if a big part of your income depends on tips, if you own a small or startup business, if you’re on call, or if you are simply an odd-jobber, then this article is for you.

When you have a steady paycheck and a predictable income, you budget by allocating spending categories within that limit. But those with unpredictable incomes must work “backward”—starting with the amount of money you’ll spend to figure out how much you need. If your income is unstable, then it is your expenditures that must be stable, predictable, and repeatable.

According to the 50/20/30 rule, there are three categories of expenditures: essentials, priorities, and lifestyle. Your baseline expenditures are those in the essentials category—those that must be paid every month, without which you can’t live. The first costs you’ll want to estimate are:

For your baseline, include the lowest food cost that is reasonable for your circumstances. Plan your grocery expenditures without any extras, like restaurants, coffee shops (unless you must use them to have business meetings or to avoid paying for internet at home), wine, or fast-food pit stops. If you’ll be couponing and cutting back your food costs, take that into account, but if you know you won’t clip a single square, be realistic about your cost estimates. One of the best ways to get an estimate is to track your spending for at least a few weeks to get an idea of how and where you spend.

For almost everyone, essential expenses include rent or mortgage payments. If you’re responsible for either, or if you house-share, live for free, or have a sliding rent arrangement, include your minimum monthly housing cost in your baseline. Make sure to include the monthly amount for homeowner’s insurance and property tax bills in your total.

If you live in a geographic region in which heating or air-conditioning is a life essential, include these average monthly bills in your baseline. In moderate regions, utility costs are a lifestyle choice—but heat isn’t optional in January in Vermont. The same goes for internet and phone costs: if you work from home, they’re most likely a necessity and should be included in your housing and utility estimate.

A note about health insurance: The number-one reason people go bankrupt is because of medical costs, so it could not be more important that you have some form of health insurance. You should include these costs in your baseline estimate, as well as payments for any outstanding medical bills.

Do you need to include transportation to work in your baseline? Consider the lowest possible transportation cost given your job or jobs. Do you absolutely need a car, car loan payments, auto insurance, maintenance, garaging costs, and gas expenses? Or is there great public transportation in your city? Can you walk to work? Telecommute? Can you infrequently taxi, Uber, ride-share, Zipcar, or call for delivery? Again: be realistic with your estimate. If you’re actually going to drive your SUV alone, round-trip, every day, factor that into the costs.

Add up the baseline numbers, and you have the amount of the monthly “paycheck” you’ll write to yourself.

This step is easy (well…sort of). Once you know your monthly baseline expenditures—and thus the paycheck you’ll write to yourself each month—use an online tax calculator to get a rough idea of how much you’ll owe in taxes. Add this new number to your baseline costs. This figure represents your bare-bones monthly income requirement.

The tricky part, of course, is guaranteeing you have enough income to meet your expenses. Anything above the bare-bones income target goes first to your financial priorities savings; second to your emergency fund savings; and third to you as “bonus” to spend on lifestyle choices.

To make this plan most effective, you’ll want to set up separate bank accounts. Your bank will let you have as many accounts as you need, and if you maintain a minimum balance in all the accounts combined, it should waive fees (just as it would if you maintained a minimum balance in a single account).

Here you’ll have your checks auto-deposited, you’ll plunk your daily cash from tips if you get them, and you’ll deposit your invoice payments from clients. You’ll make only three transfers from this account each month: one to each of the below accounts.

From this account, you’ll pay all your bills—essentials, priorities, and lifestyle—but you won’t spend more than you’ve paid yourself any month. This account will also receive any monthly “bonus” you might want to pay yourself when your income exceeds your target, and you have money left to spend beyond your savings (which is technically a fourth transfer).

Every month, after you’ve paid yourself for your baseline and transferred amounts for financial priorities, you’ll put money into your emergency fund. You should be aiming to save at least six months of net income in this account, to be used in the following situations only:

You’ve lost your job, and need to continue paying rent, bills and other living expenses.You have a medical or dental emergency.Your car breaks down, and it’s your primary form of transportation.You have emergency home expenses—e.g., your AC breaks down in 100°F-plus weather, your roof is leaking, your basement is flooded, your toilet is overflowing, etc.You have bereavement-related expenses, like travel costs for a family funeral.This account holds money for annual or semiannual payments (income taxes, property taxes, home insurance) and for important goals—payments on student loans, the down payment for a house, or college savings for your child.

That’s it! You now have a basic budget, your income target, and where exactly your money should go, no matter how it comes in.

How to Budget Without Regular Paychecks | LearnVest

LearnVest's mission is to empower people everywhere to take control of their personal finances so that they can afford their dreams. They believe that financial planning should not be a luxury, which is why they've developed an advice-driven program that is personalized to your specific financial goals and situation. Take control of your money. Join LearnVest today.

Image via graja (Shutterstock).

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