Wednesday, August 21, 2013


2013-06-06 22-18-35.066.jpgHow to make a wire wrapped seaglass seahorse?  We will show you!  The final size of ours is about three inches tall and an inch and a half wide.  You can make larger ones or smaller ones.  This size is nice for a necklace.  Materials needed: 20 Gauge wire for the main body.  You want strength and flexibility.  26 gauge to wrap around the main body and to thread all the body pieces together.  Two pieces of sea glass.  We chose brown this time around, but any color you have will be perfect.  Make sure the sides aren't too sharp.  Throw them back in the ocean/lake if they are!  So, one for the body and one for the tail fin.  Then you will need an assortment of other beads you have.  We chose turquoise and pearl white glass beads, clear crystal glass gem and a metal bead for the eye.  Also, we added the ring for the necklace where its "ear" would be.  Lets start, shall we?2013-06-06 20-06-11.599.jpgThis is what we used.  You can use different colored wire, beads and glass.  Use what you have.  We have about 8 beads the size of a small altoids mint used for the the nose and neck area.  Then smaller than that we have ten beads for the "mane" and the top part of the tail.  Finally we have teeny tiny ones used on the top of the head and the bottom of the tail.  One metal bead for the eye.  The 20 gauge wire is about 12 inches long.  You will cut it if its too long.  About 4 feet of the 26 gauge. 

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